AB Osteopathy Privacy Policy
This privacy policy outlines how we use and protect any information you give when booking in for Osteopathic treatment.
Alexandria Black and Amanda Burnham are committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Any information given during your consultation or when booking in online will only be used in accordance with this privacy
statement and is General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliant with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
What kind of information do we collect?
- Name, address and contact information including email address
- Job title, hobbies, sports
- GP address
- Medical history
Why is this information collected, what is it used for and how is it stored?
For the purpose of treatment, medical information may be obtained. Only the relevant and necessary information will be collected to help determine a diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan. Hand written notes and electronic notes will be taken of your complaint, medication and relevant medical history. Only the osteopath (Alexandria Black or Amanda Burnham) will have access to your notes. This data is always stored and held securely in a locked cabinet, (no unauthorised personnel has access or keys to your personal information) or a password protected cloud based platform. In the event that a referral or further investigation may be requested regarding your treatment on-going care or medical diagnosis, you will be asked for your permission to contact the relevant medical professional (GP etc), if you do not give your permission no contact will be made.
Contact information provided by you will only be used to confirm and remind you of your appointment via the online diary booking system, Cliniko, which is , also GDPR compliant. This platform is cloud based and is
password protected.
Any communications to you of any news or changes to the running of the practice may be done via Mail Chimp, also GDPR compliant which you can unsubscribe at any time.
As part of your treatment plan, rehabilitative exercises may be given and a useful tool is an online exercise platform, also cloud based, password protected and GDPR compliant. These exercises will be emailed to you.
Disclosure and Consent
Your personal details will not be passed on to third parties. By agreeing to this privacy policy you are agreeing to your information being handled as outlined in this policy. You can withdraw your consent at any time by
contacting Alexandria Black at alex@abosteopathy.co.uk, 07779003685 or AB Osteopathy, 1-3 st Colme St, Edinbrugh, EH3 6AA.